Massage utilises sensitive therapist hands to release the muscular imbalances

Our Physios offer some of the best massages you may have had as they combine their expertise and magic hands to find & release tight & tired muscles.

Our Sports Massage focuses on specific muscle groups, increases muscle flexibility and lactic acid removal. This assists the continuation of training programmes and reduces risk of injury. Triathletes, swimmers, footballers of all codes, runners, walkers and endurance athletes use sports massage during increased training periods and following competition.

Our Remedial massage stimulates healing by direct, but controlled pressure over injured, painful, or tight muscles. Therapy Max physiotherapists have vast experience with injuries and achieve excellent results to speed recovery.

Pregnancy Massage provides wonderful relief through those amazing but challenging 9 months. Best get those imbalances sorted now as you’ll find you have no time once your baby arrives!

What we treat

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