Katrina Purdon

Katrina has 15 years Physiotherapy experience. Since joining Therapy Max in 2010, she has built a very strong rapport with local GPs, specialists and our clients. She instructs our Fit Backs Mat and Equipment Pilates classes including our prenatal pilates class.

Katrina achieves outstanding results with lower limb injuries, orthopaedic rehabilitation, treatment of neck and back pain & women’s health issues. Whilst Katrina has strong hydrotherapy skills, her focus on core strength and her experience with both mat & equipment pilates has allowed clients to progress out of the pool towards recovery sooner.  Combining this specialist exercise prescription with effective hands-on treatment and nutrition advice improves wellbeing via several channels and achieves amazing long term results for her clients.

Katrina enjoys Sydney’s outdoors through hiking, cycling, swimming and yoga. Her running is unfortunately on hold due to injury, but she has vast previous experience in competitive gymnastic and athletics, where she has competed at a national level in both.